Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Love For Sensual, Rhythm, Smooth Jazz. A Zest For Life

Conoscenti: people with informed appreciation of a particular field, especially in the fine arts; connoisseurs
Whether they are in my playlists, On A Moonlit Night, Let That Play, or Starry Nights, my collection of aged and modern day rhythm, smooth jazz never gets old. Those who know me well or even an acquaintance in my company listening to my music ask me about the jazz I play. I'm always complimented on how nice my playlists are composed.

Greetings. Welcome to my blog site. My name is Art. Some of my friends call me iA.

Successful, accomplished, well-traveled, funny, a retired US Army logistician now working in Afghanistan as a logistician, I am. My youngest daughter encouraged me to become a blogger. She says I write well and seem to have my own way and style in just about everything I do.

As one who is extraordinary, young at heart, maintains a youthful appearance, has a zest for life, romantic, lives well, dresses well, is easy going, regimentally diets and exercises, has positive swagger, my enthusiasm for jazz came during my early teenage years. My father would often have artists like Lonnie Liston Smith, Dexter Gordon, Stanley Turrentine, and John Coltrane playing on the stereo-TV console during dinner time. I became positively attuned to the sound. Now many years later and a large collection, my music is a significant part of who I am and my way of life.

You won’t find jazz artists like Sonny Rollins, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, Dexter Gordon, or Louis Armstrong in my collections. Respectfully, their kind of jazz does not go well with my lifestyle, however I do admire their music.

I find peace and tranquility in the sensual and rhythmic music of Richard Elliot, Paul Taylor, Earl Klugh, Brian Culbertson, Boney James, and Alexander Zonjic---just to name a few. My collection of jazz extends far beyond those artists. My tribulations and getting it just right as I journey through this life extends far beyond what I’ve mentioned here in my first blog.

Perched somewhere on an elegant beachfront resort with my beautiful wife watching the sun set on a pleasant, cool, breezy moonlit starry night, is one of my favorite things. Let that play… into the night.

I’ve been told there’s something about me that makes people want to be around me. I’m a good and nice guy who didn’t finish last.

Young men who look to become jazz enthusiasts, develop their gentlemen qualities, find that just right regiment of diet and exercise, develop their social skills--more so among women, and take their livelihood to a new level, will likely be the ones who will follow me. I do indeed have something to share.

I like the word 'scent' within the spelling of conoscenti. I like the syllable 'cog' as in cognac, within the alternative spelling, cognoscenti.

Are you feeling me? is coming soon.

I’m on Facebook as Art McCune of Atlanta, GA. On Twitter @intlArt

Stay tuned. This is sure to be something you don’t want to miss.


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