Friday, May 9, 2014

Smelling Good Speaks For Itself

Smelling good all the time speaks for itself. I should know. I’m that guy who puts cut-up bits of real lemons in his body wash along with a small amount of his favorite oil colognes mixed in there real nicely. Well, I don’t mix ALL my favorite oil colognes in my body wash at one time, but surely you get the point. Giggles>>>>! On occasions, I even consume a proven internal deodorant found in GNC, General Nutrition Center.

I will admit right from the start, that I’ve been guilty of wearing too much of the concentrated oil, KNOWING it’s too much. Lately, I’ve learned not to do that. As good as any one of my favorite cologne smells, putting on too much can be a total turn off, no matter how well I’m dressed. To my wife. My bad. I’ll keep in mind that after that first dime sized dab in the palm of my hand and mixed with a few drops of water and rubbed on my lower cheeks and neck area, despite me not smelling it, is enough.

If you didn’t know, there’s this thing called sillage: the scent left behind by perfume or cologne, usually after the subject has passed. If I may add to that urban dictionary definition—sillage is also too loud or too much even in the presence of another.

Although I can afford the cost of the fancy bottles of any cologne or perfume, I often choose not to buy them. Just like other manufactured or produced consumer goods in raw forms having other additives, then sold at a MUCH higher percentage in mark up, so are colognes and perfumes in the oil form.

I’m not knocking the market of oil fragrances mixed with water and alcohol in a fancy bottle and sold across the globe at a much higher price. It IS a free world and a free enterprise we live in. If I like the bottle, I don’t think twice about not buying the cologne, or even if a loved one presents me with a bottle of cologne as a gift, I’ll thankfully accept it, but quite often I prefer the low cost vials of oil cologne and perfumes. They last longer. A little dab will do you well for a longer period of time.

Here’s 4 of my favorites that I’m often complimented on and have suggested to some of my true friends who liked them as well. As a reader of my blogs, you already realize that what smells good on me and I’m complimented on, may not smell good on you:

Obsession Night, Chanel Bleu, YSL’s La Nuit de L’Homme, Issey Miyake Intense

Want to take learn more about fragrances? Try these links:

For my readers who want to try one or more of their favorite colognes or perfumes in oil form at a cost MUCH lower than the fancy bottle, contact Leslie Clark,  Please enter, Infinity Oils, in the subject line. She has a highly reputable on-line business that carries quite a long list of smell goods for men and women. Surely she has your favorites. I buy from her quite often and I’m always satisfied with her service and products. Mention you read my blog. Appreciated!

Until next time… smell good. It's a good thing, but don't overdo it.



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