As a tweeter, @LifeTipsEasy has been tweeting me some good stuff. Said I'd take a few minutes to share the more worthwhile ones:
If you can’ t send an Excel file because it’s too big, save
it as .xlsb. This will shrink the size.
Eating both strawberries and blueberries protects your brain
from aging.
To see if batteries are good, drop them on the floor. If
they bounce once, they're good. If they bounce more than once they're empty.
Get unlimited skips for Pandora by opening an incognito tab.
If you put your fingers in ice water immediately after
painting your nails the paint will dry instantly.
Society needs both optimists and pessimists. For example, an
optimist invented the airplane while a pessimist invented the parachute.
Do something instead of killing time, because time is
killing you.
If you're ever feeling upset; just exercise. You'll feel 100
times better.
Drinking a cold glass of water in the morning will wake you
faster than a cup of coffee.
You can shrink a pimple in minutes by putting a dab of
Listerine on it. The alcohol will dry it up and cause it to fade.
Spiders hate peppermint oil. Put some in a squirt bottle +
water and spray your garage and all door frames.
Lay on your left side and rub your stomach in clockwise
circles if you have a stomach ache.
When meeting someone for the 1st time, ask them what they
LIKE to do, rather than what they do. It'll get them excited & spark
Taking notes on the computer? Use a weird font. Studies have
shown the uniqueness will make you more likely to remember them!
Shoes smell like crap? Use dryer sheets as an incredibly
effective shoe deodorizer.
No matter what your beliefs, if someone wishes you a Merry
Christmas, the polite thing to do is say, "thank you."
If you accidentally close a tab, you can bring it back up by holding
Control+Shift+Pressing the T button. (On Mac: cmd + shift + T)
Putting vodka on your face reduces the chance of acne
breakouts by tightening your pores.
"There is no remedy for love but to love more."
-Henry David Thoreau, author, poet, naturalist, tax resister, philosopher,
If your car is about to get towed, get in it. Tow trucks are
forced to stop to avoid kidnapping charges.
If you drop an earring, ring, or small screw simply turn off
the lights and look with a flashlight. They'll light right up.
If a girl talks to you about a movie she wants to watch,
chances are it's a hint that she wants you to ask her out.
At a restaurant? Wash your hands after ordering. The menu is
generally the dirtiest thing you can touch!
Here's another nice jazz cut I think you'll like:
Chillaxing Jazz Kollektion, Return to Innocence
Until later...